WeatherThe Basque Country Meteorological Data API provides rich data on weather conditions in the Basque Country. This API offers valuable and real-time meteorological data spanning a wide range of parameters including temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and much more. As the data is gathered from reliable sources, it is highly beneficial for research institutes, educational organizations, meteorology enthusiasts, and application developers to perform accurate weather predictions, climate studies and develop weather-based applications.
Accessible via https://opendata.euskadi.eus/api-euskalmet/-/api-de-euskalmet/
, this API enables you to tap into a wealth of meteorological data through a simple yet powerful interface. It's meticulously designed to respond swiftly to your commands, providing instant access to critical information. In addition, the data is formatted in user-friendly structures to allow easy interpretation and integration.
Benefits of using the Basque Country Meteorological Data API:
- Access to real-time and accurate weather data within the Basque Country
- Data coverage on a broad spectrum of weather parameters
- Ideal for developing weather-based applications or research
- User-friendly data structures for easy interpretation and integration
- Swift responses and high reliability
Here is a sample JavaScript code for calling this API:
const axios = require('axios');
.then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);
This example initiates a GET request to the API and logs the data returned from the API. If an error occurs during the request, it is caught and logged to the console.