Fantasy Sports API

Games & Comics

The Fantasy Sports APIs provide URIs used to access fantasy sports data. Currently the APIs support retrieval of Fantasy Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey data including game, league, team, and player information. The APIs are based on a RESTful model. Therefore, resources like game, league, team, player etc. and collections like games, leagues, teams, players form the building blocks for these APIs. Each resource is identified by a resource ID, and a collection is identified by its scope, specified in the URI. Historically, Yahoo! has provided two full draft and trade style fantasy football and baseball games – a free version, and a plus version (which contains more features and content). With the 2010 seasons, the Free and Plus versions of Football and Baseball have merged. Each game is comprised of many “leagues”, which typically contain 8-12 teams, which are managed by one or more users. At the beginning of a league’s season, professional athletes (“players”) are uniquely assigned or chosen through a draft to each team. The players that are not chosen or assigned are available to be acquired via a free-agent or waiver wire process (a “transaction”). These teams compete against each other based on statistics from real-world competitions based on categories like touchdowns, yards gained, batting average and ERA. Many fantasy sport rules can be set and changed within a league; for instance, the roster positions, statistics used to score, scoring modifiers, and game style are configurable. The game structure means that a lot of fantasy data is relevant only in the context of a particular league and team. For instance, without the league’s scoring rules, the statistics compiled by a player in a real-life competition are not meaningful to a particular league. Three rushing touchdowns by a running back is irrelevant to a league that only considers defensive players. Many leagues are private – the information about them is only available to users that are a members.

Transport for India


India Public Transport API. Get data of Road Transport Year Book: 2016-17. Range of information pertaining to registered motor vehicles over time and across state/UTs and major cities and Data of various road transport parameters have been provided here i.e Number of Registered Motor Vehicles, composition of registered motor vehicles, taxes on road transport and motor vehicles, production and sale of motor vehicles, drivers conductors licenses issued etc. Transport Road Transport Year Book 2016-17 Get data of Road Transport Year Book: 2016-17. Range of information pertaining to registered motor vehicles over time and across state/UTs and major cities and Data of various road transport parameters have been provided here i.e Number of Registered Motor Vehicles, composition of registered motor vehicles, taxes on road transport and motor vehicles, production and sale of motor vehicles, drivers conductors licenses issued etc. Road Accidents in India 2018 The data refers to Total Number of Road Accidents, Persons Killed and Injured. It also provides some other information like Number of Accidents per Lakh Population, Number of Accidents per Ten Thousand Vehicles, Number of Accidents per Ten Thousand Kms of Roads, Number of Persons Killed Per Lakh Population, Number of Persons Killed Per Ten Thousand Vehicles, Number of Persons Killed per Ten Thousand Kms of Roads, Number of Persons Injured per Lakh Population, Number of Persons Injured Per Ten Thousand Vehicles and Number of Persons Injured Per Ten Thousand Kms of Roads. Get data of Basic Road Statistics of India 2016-17. It provides comprehensive information on the total road network of the country. Road Statistics of India contains information on various categories of roads at National, State and Local (Municipal and Panchayat) levels. Apart from this, the information on plan allocation and expenditure on roads and an international comparison of road networks are also provided.