NewsThe Marketaux API offers real-time, live stock market news complemented with tagged tickers, analytical sentiment, and assorted statistics. This multifaceted JSON API ensures that you are receiving accurate, robust, and comprehensive data all in a format that is both straightforward and easily integrated. The superior technology behind Marketaux mines and analyses information from numerous sources to present a clear snapshot of the global financial landscape in real-time.
Interaction with the API is as simple as it is versatile with the documentation available at Marketaux Documentation. You have the ability to customize your queries, enabling you to access precise information and time-sensitive statistics about any stock you're interested in. Whether it's the latest bullish or bearish sentiment on a particular security, or the overall pulse of the market - the Marketaux API provides it all.
Benefits of the Marketaux API include:
- Direct access to real-time, comprehensive market information.
- Sentiment analysis to gain insights on market mood.
- Easily identifiable tagged tickers for efficient data navigation.
- Robust statistics for in-depth market analytics.
- Simplified handling of data with JSON responses.
Here is a JavaScript example for calling the Marketaux API:
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'GET',
'url': 'https://www.marketaux.com/api/news?id=insert_your_stock_ticker',
'headers': {
'api-key': 'insert_your_api_key_here'
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
Important: Replace 'insert_your_stock_ticker' and 'insert_your_api_key_here' with your actual stock ticker and API key.